Do you wish to add volume to your breasts? You need…
breast enlargement, also called breast augmentation procedure. “Boob job” is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the Czech Republic. The surgeons use special implants to increase size of your breasts to give you a fuller, perkier look. Breast implants are placed under the lacteal gland or under the pectoral muscle. Our plastic surgeons will be happy to advise you on everything individually and personally. Our plastic surgeons use the following brands: Motiva, Polytech, Mentor, Nagor, and also ultra light B-Lite breast implants in round, or anatomical shapes.
What to expect?
Inpatient: 1 night
Anaesthesia: general
In the Czech Republic: 5 days
Outpatient: 3 days
Stitches: dissolvable (or non-absorbent to be removed after 20 days)
Compresion underwear (bra): 4 weeks after the procedure
Light work: 7 days
Full activity: in 4 weeks
Our board certified plastic surgeons of a breast enlargement will individually advise you on everything related:
Michal PULS
Alexander VATLAK
Miroslav VELIKY
You are welcome to send photos for a free consultation.