Male health
It is indeed expected from men that they look after their loved ones. Alas, they often forget to think about their own self-care and health. They often try to ignore either aesthetic, or even health problems, and they suffer unnecessarily. Let’s change that…
There are 3 basic reasons why men see doctors rarely:
- They do not perceive the problem, or they try to downplay it
- The nature of the problem / situation interferes with their ego, or sexuality
- They have bad experience from the past
It may sound like a cliché, but men quite often don’t look after themselves much and don’t do regular self-examinations. Unfortunately! In case of prostate cancer, for example, self-observation and regular examination is essential. Fortunately, there are health movements and events, such as famous Movember, when men grow moustaches to raise awareness about male specific health issues.
The “Almighty Internet” also plays a big role here. On one hand, the worldwide web can greatly help in improving overall education, but on the other hand, it leads men to google medical advice on the internet and order medicaments there. As a result they postpone visiting the doctor specialist indefinitely.
And how are today’s men dealing with their looks? Our experience says that some older men are more conservative and not very open to changes through aesthetic surgery. Younger generation of men is less afraid to admit that they are fighting “their own psyche”.
The number of male clients in plastic surgery, a field that until recently was an all female domain, is steadily increasing. According to surveys, aesthetic surgical procedures for men already account for more than 10 % of the total amount. And why? Work career and competitive pressure might be the reasons. Also, your enthusiasm and energy could be visible, not only felt, don’t you think?
There is plenty of room for improvement, so men can make fast and informed decisions how to sort out their aesthetic and health problems. Wives, female relatives, or girlfriends (simply people who know them best) can be of great support to these men.
We at Royal Medical are willing to assist boys and men who want to make major changes in their lives. Contact us, our experienced coordinators will arrange everything to your comfort and satisfaction.