Health care with Royal Medical
The pandemic has slowed the world, but regular health care should not be stopped
Who would have thought back in January 2020 what kinds of life events were in front of us. And yet, the global pandemic came unexpectedly, rather vigorously, and in many ways caught us unprepared. All medical professionals were thus exposed to a great challenge from day to day. They have managed and we thank them very much for it! As well as to all people who stayed at home and protected themselves, thus protecting others. The world is starting to spin again now, but we hear from our medical specialists that patients haven’t come back to them yet. Why is that so? Which areas of health care were indirectly affected by the pandemic, what we shouldn’t underestimate in the post-coronavirus times?
First things first… from fear and anxiety, prevailing emotions in the recent months, which unfortunately, have often persisted to this day. Waiting rooms are considered a new threat! And doctors are alarmed that the pandemic has dimmed our perception a bit – in reality other ongoing medical issues have not disappeared, and therefore health care can’t be stopped. Physicians are ready, so don’t underestimate the care for your health, for a number of reasons:
Taking medication irregularly can negatively affect the course of treatment
- According to surveys, up to one third of patients adjusted their medication/dosages themselves, or even stopped taking their medication regularly during the quarantine. That’s a huge number of people who endangered their lives even when they stayed safe at home. Are your medical prescriptions in order? Even if you do everything as you should, visit your doctor for further check-ups and treatment consultations.
Chronic medical issues need regular check-up and care
- It is true that patients with chronic diagnoses, such as diabetes or rheumatism, are among the most vulnerable to Covid 19. However, modern medicine has to always consider and compare all known risks. And they are potentially high – a serious illness can develop in just a short time. Your long-term work on keeping a steady health state (remission) can be wasted. In short, if you belong to such group, keep visiting your specialist regularly, so you have the situation under control.
Prevention always comes first
- Therefore, if we do not want to face a pandemic of cancer, or similar disease, we need to perceive and address the warning signs. Perhaps, in the end, recent events may even have some positive effects. For example, oncologists claim the situation has led them to emphasise more individual while outpatient approach to medical assistance and they also confirm it is possible to keep the screening schemes and look after the current patients, as well as the newly diagnosed ones. Royal Medical continues to offer you, for example, robot assisted (Da Vinci) surgical solutions for a number of problems, including prostatectomies, vascular surgeries, or bariatric surgeries.
The pandemic did not only put some weight on our minds
- Some of us have gained weight. But let’s not just wave off extra pounds. In case you already had problems with weight fluctuations, or you were overweight before the pandemic, seek professional help from a dietitian who will help you to get the situation under control again. Or, have you been already considering an effective solution for once and for all? Start to look for it now with us. Royal Medical can help you to find top surgeons specialised in bariatrics (surgically assisted weight loss procedures).
One thing with another – do not ignore, or postpone addressing your medical problems whether they are of physical or aesthetic nature. You deserve health and beauty. Czech hospitals and clinics are fully equipped and meet all European safety and hygiene standards, so there is no need to worry to come over for medical assistance here.
At Royal Medical, we have a solution at hand. Let’s plan your journey to health and beauty together!