Coronavirus lockdown in the Czech Republic ends
Back to normal! The Czech Republic is gradually waking up from a state of hibernation as well as the rest of Europe. Fortunately, and thanks to appropriate safety measures, the pandemic in our country was kept under control, so we have good news: lockdown of the Czech Republic has ended after a long 66 days! 🙏🏻
We are slowly but surely getting back to normal life, even though common safety measures still apply (keeping distances, hand hygiene/sanitation, wearing face mask/covers in certain public areas etc.).
The world seems to be a happier place again and we are looking forward to assist you on your way to health and beauty. In case you have any questions, or you wish to schedule a consultation, or plan a surgical procedure, do not hesitate to contact our coordinator Zuzana. [email protected]
See you soon, take care. Your RM team ❤️